Chhuon Malai was one of the famous female singers in the end of 1950s! She sang a variety of songs and was very popular among Cambodian residents until today! She came from Pursat Province along with fortune to become the singer for Prince Norodom Sihanouk Varman. During the visit of our prince to Pursat at the end of 1950s, Chhuon Malai showed a talent in singing on this time and brought her the opportunity to become one the early female singer in Cambodia! Her voice was naturally very good to entertain Cambodian people! She was known to survive from Khmer Rouge Regime (1975-1979) and went to live overseas later. Her colleagues included Chhun Vanna, Mao Sareth, Sieng Dy, Mom Marath, and So Savoeurn.

ផ្កាណាគ្រី រស់ សេរីសុទ្ធា

ហ៊ឺម......... ហ៊ឺម........   I. អធ្រាត្រយប់ស្ងាត់ នាម៉ោង១២ ក្លិនផ្កាណាគ្រី ក្រអូបពេញក្នុងទ្រូងអូន អង្គុយម្នាក់ឯង រាត្រីស្ងាត់សូ...